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Bridge Academy


The Academy Program provides students with essential skills in English, math, and IT to succeed in English-only instruction in their undergraduate programs. Students follow an intensive two-semester program of approximately 40 hours per week of coursework and classes for approximately 15 weeks. Upon successfully completing the program, students are eligible to move on to the undergraduate program.

Academy Course Sampling

UNV100 University Success

This course introduces students to university life, giving them an understanding of how an American university functions, their role as students at the university, and the most important skills needed for success. These skills include critical thinking, creative problem solving and conflict resolution strategies. This class is required for all students in their first semester of enrollment.

ADY 075 Interactive Grammar

This course introduces and practices the grammar skills necessary for successful academic studies at the university level. Students engage in interactive activities requiring them to produce grammatically accurate structures while communicating with each other and their instructors. Students also learn to recognize and self-correct their errors.

ADY 098 Developmental Studies in Academic Writing

This course introduces the skills necessary for successful academic writing at the university level. Students engage in intensive practice and training in writing about academic topics and texts. They study fundamental structures used to write paragraphs and essays, focusing on different ways of using language in academic work.

MTH 096 Pre-Calculus

This course focuses on solving various types of mathematical equations/in equations and covers a significant amount of applications and geometry. It builds on the ability to work with different types of numbers and simplify algebraic expressions.

MTH 095 Intro to Algebra

The course builds a solid mathematical foundation. Students work with all types of numbers, identify and simplify different types of algebraic expressions, and explore applications such as ratio, percent, proportion, measurement, and using scientific calculators.

ADY 050 Introductory Academic Reading & Vocabulary

This course introduces the reading skills necessary for successful academic studies at the university level. Students engage in general English skills with a focus on reading and vocabulary development. Activities include scanning, skimming, previewing, guessing meaning of words in context, and inference skills.

ADY 051 Advanced Academic Reading & Vocabulary

Building on the skills introduced in ADY 050, this developmental reading skills course strengthens students’ reading and vocabulary development. Activities continue to enhance scanning, skimming, previewing, guessing meaning of words in context, and inference skills, as well as further develop word parts and collocations.

ITC 099 Introduction to Computers

This short course provides a foundation for ITC 109, surveying computing and information technologies for research, analysis, and communication, utilizing internet-based research tools and other software. It introduces basic concepts in computer science, information literacy and communication and teach students to apply those concepts to any field of study.

ADY 099 Prep Studies in Academic Writing

Building on the skills learned in ADY 098, this course refines grammatical, mechanical, and usage principles. It includes an overview of paragraph and essay development in academic writing, reassessment of grammatical skills, writing processes, and fundamentals of composition with emphasis on revision and rhetorical modes. The course also integrates intensive reading practice of academic texts.

Quotes from  Students

“I was truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend the Academy. The rigorous curriculum and supportive environment helped me develop a strong foundation in critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. The Academy's focus on developing soft skills, such as time management, teamwork, and self-motivation, has been instrumental in preparing me for the demands of undergraduate studies. I am now more confident in my ability to tackle complex math assignments and participate in class discussions. The Academy's emphasis on grammar and writing skills has also improved my overall writing ability such as academic writing and helped me to express my thoughts more effectively. As I move forward into the undergraduate program, I feel more prepared and equipped to handle the academic challenges ahead.”

Abdul Wahab Qazizada

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